Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts & Family Fitness Centers
Serving the Tri-Cities
and Aurora Area Since 1979

Frequently Asked Questions

Class Schedule
  1. How many classes per week should I attend?

    How many classes per week should I attend?

    We recommend two classes per week, plus a certain amount of practice time in between classes as the perfect level of training. This allows the student time to work on material between classes and become proficient before new concepts are introduced. It also allows the student time for their body to rest and recover between training sessions for peak performance.
  2. Will there be other beginners in my class?

    Will there be other beginners in my class?

    At Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts students are grouped by age and by rank (experience). In this way each student will be in a class with students of similar age and skill level. In addition we will also assign you a "buddy" so you can quickly learn about the school from an existing student. Our instructors are trained and experienced when it comes to helping new students get comfortable and have success early in their training.
  3. Will the programs make my child overly aggressive?

    Will the programs make my child overly aggressive?

    At Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts, children are taught that the martial arts are not to be used for aggression but rather to defend oneself in untenable situations. Aggressive behavior is channeled into intellectual excellence, self confidence, physical conditioning and a sense of social responsibility. Our goal is to increase self discipline and build character. Our program also helps the shy child to develop self confidence and become more assertive. There is a strong emphasis on cooperation, collaboration and shared goals.
  4. Will my classes be safe?

    Will my classes be safe?

    Absolutely. All classes taught at Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts are strictly monitored to ensure complete safety. Our instructors are trained in proper technique as well as how to monitor students for movement and behavior that might lead to injury. Strict attention is given to the anatomy of movement and weight distribution as well as all physical contact in training. All physical activity comes with the risk of injury but we at Mike Neil Traditional Martial arts have not had student injuries in training for one simple reason: we are diligent in our safety guidelines.
  5. What about sparring?

    What about sparring?

    Free Sparring helps students develop timing and rhythm as well as the confidence to successfully defend themselves. All students interested in sparring are required to wear the best protective equipment available on the market and are strictly supervised to minimize any student being hurt in sparring. We strictly enforce the sparring safety rules and strongly discourage over aggression to create an environment where participants are comfortable and feel safe with their sparring partners.
  6. How long will it take to become proficient?

    How long will it take to become proficient?

    The time it takes to become proficient varies with each individual depending on individual physical abilities, attendance and the effort put forth. At Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts students are very often amazed by their own ability and accomplishment in as little as six months. This training will give you the confidence of knowing that you can defend yourself in most situations. Your initial goal, however, should be to attain the rank of Black Belt so that you can experience your full potential as a Martial Artist. This level of proficiency typically takes about three years. Once again, however, this will vary among individuals depending on the level of effort, consistency in training and personal drive.
  7. When are classes scheduled?

    When are classes scheduled?

    DescriptionWe offer a number of different classes on multiple days of the week. Click the button to download a class schedule.