Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts & Family Fitness Centers
Serving the Tri-Cities
and Aurora Area Since 1979

The Philosophical Perspective

Practitioners of the traditional martial arts gain the greatest benefits from the philosophy of our training method. A specific ideology is a necessary and vital component in the practice of a traditional martial art. In the Mike Neil system, that component is described as the very purpose of our training: To improve physical and mental well-being while striving to be a better person in every way. The benefit of our personal development goes beyond ourselves - to our families, friends, and community.

All Traditional Martial Arts are based on some underlying philosophy. An art can not be traditional without an underlying tradition, and it is that tradition that provides the philosophy for the martial art. Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and others provide the moral code for various Martial Arts. Confusion and conflict arise when the practitioner draws his or her moral code from a different place than that of the Martial Arts organization that governs their martial arts school. Bowing to images and icons might be the norm in one context, and unacceptable in another. Someone ends up compromising their beliefs, and it is usually the student.

Many instructors are in denial about the philosophical conflicts, or place revenues over personal values. Quite frankly, religious beliefs should not, and typically are not taught in Martial Arts classes (with the obvious exception of religious clubs). This does not, however, mean that they do not influence the values that the instructor has - and the values he or she teaches. Likewise, these spiritual influences often affect the traditions repeated in practice within the martial arts school.

Likewise, there are cultural and social values that must be considered. It is impossible to teach students values other than your own, so the personal values and morals of the instructor are important - as they will invariably be passed on to the student. This is important for adult students, and critical for children. Is the instructor educated? What life experiences does he or she have? What is the role of women in the organization's social context? Many Martial arts organizations are male dominant, and restrict women (and girls) of the same levels to lesser roles than their male counterparts. All of these things will impact the effectiveness of the program for its participants.

While Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts does not teach or promote any religion, we are not shy about the fact that our values come from, and are influenced by the Christianity on which our country was founded. This is not to say that different belief systems don't often share similar values, but rather it is an honest statement that informs you of the source from which we draw our values and philosophy.
We encourage open and honest dialog about this and any concern you might have regarding martial arts training for yourself or your child. You have a right to know and a responsibility to ask the hard questions that matter to you.

At Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts, we are open about our programs, philosophy, and practices. We feel that it is important for you to fully understand our programs in order for you to make the necessary commitment to your training. We are not trying to sign up everyone who walks in the door - we are looking to build relationships with people who will benefit from our program, and who will be a benefit to others in our family.